08/06/2020 / By Ethan Huff
Kari Bundy, a communications assistant at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), recently attended a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which typically allows for members of the public to vocalize their opinions during the set comment period. But at this particular meeting, which centered around fast-tracked vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that are soon to be released, those in opposition to these questionable jabs were not allowed to speak as normal.
Deviating from pretty much every prior ACIP meeting that has been held, this one featured a heavy line-up of pro-vaccine fanatics, including vaccine propagandists like Dr. Stanley Plotkin. Plotkin is often referred to as “The Godfather of Vaccines,” and he is also the guy who pioneered the use of aborted human fetal tissue in the production of childhood vaccines.
As it turns out, the upcoming Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines will reportedly also contain ingredients derived from aborted human fetal tissue, which is probably why the ACIP gave Plotkin the floor to promote them at its recent meeting.
Dorit Reiss, a professor of law at the UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, was also given a platform to speak at this same ACIP meeting. This is significant because Reiss has played a pivotal role in helping to abolish vaccination exemptions, having been a major supporter of California Senator Richard Pan’s crusade to pass SB 277, eliminating all vaccine exemptions in the Golden State save for those deemed a medical necessity.
“[Reiss] has long insisted that those who obtain legal exemptions should face legal liability if their children transmit a vaccine-preventable disease to other people,” Bundy reports about Reiss’ extreme pro-vax position.
Another pro-vaxxer who was given special time to speak at the ACIP meeting was Alison Singer, a close friend of Paul Offit’s and president of the Autism Science Foundation. Singer has spent a bulk of her career fighting all scientific research looking into the connection between vaccines and autism, and more recently petitioned to have the Vaxxed documentary film pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival, dubbing its contents as “dangerous speech.”
Keep in mind that the ACIP claims to have chosen each of these folks at “random,” even as it patently rejected Bundy’s request to speak, despite the fact that she submitted her request several weeks in advance. By all appearances, the ACIP only wanted pro-vax voices to speak at this particular meeting, and deliberately silenced all potential detractors, including Bundy.
Bundy, who still attended the ACIP meeting, says that it was obvious what the group was up to in hand-selecting these specific people to speak, while allowing nobody else the chance to counter them. Their goal was to present a one-sided view in favor of mandating Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines once they become available, as well as to create the illusion that there is no formidable opposition to this agenda.
Reiss even indicated during her speech that she believes all future ACIP meetings need to avoid allowing any public comments at all, and instead to only allow written comments, which would almost certainly be ignored.
“The power of ACIP, in allowing public comment to turn into pro-vaccine propaganda, is what needs to be limited, not the comments of members of the public who have valid concerns about vaccine safety and government overreach,” Bundy contends.
“Public comment was created to ensure that we do not remain trapped with tyrannical, closed government decision making. After viewing this ACIP meeting, it appears that is exactly what is happening here.”
For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic, be sure to check out Pandemic.news.
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Tagged Under: ACIP, biased, coronavirus, covid-19, health freedom, Meeting, pro-vaxxers, public comment, rigged, Twisted, vaccine mandates, vaccine safety, vaccine wars, vaccines