toxic ingredients
By Cassie B.
FDA finally takes action on toxic Red Dye 3
The FDA’s prioritization of food industry interests over public health has allowed harmful additives, like Red Dye 3, to persist in the food supply. Red Dye 3, known to cause cancer and other health issues, was banned in cosmetics in 1990 but remains in food. A coalition of advocacy groups, scientists, and lawmakers has pressured […]
By Lance D Johnson
School vaccine campaigns come under scrutiny in France after 12-year-old boy dies on school floor following HPV shot
Despite there being multiple court cases in the U.S., India, Japan, Colombia, Spain and France proving the HPV vaccine to be an instrument of death and debilitation, pharmaceutical companies and multinational organizations continue to fund HPV vaccine campaigns in school systems around the world. A nationwide HPV vaccine campaign was launched in French schools on […]
By Ethan Huff
The Washington Post is a fake news shill outlet that promotes vaccines and pharmaceuticals while quietly accepting cash from Big Pharma
The corporate media at large is notorious for shilling vaccine industry propaganda on the regular. But there’s one fake news outlet in particular that deserves special recognition for flaunting its pro-vaccine bias, and that’s the Jeff Bezos-owned The Washington Post. “Amazon News,” as it should probably be renamed, actually has a resident pro-vaxxer propagandist on […]
By Tracey Watson
CDC cites its OWN pharma-influenced studies to “prove” thimerosal is safe and not harmful to kids
Talk about a conflict of interest! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has proudly announced that “the evidence is clear: Thimerosal is not a toxin in vaccines, but merely a preservative, preventing contamination, that has been used in vaccines for decades.” This conclusion, they note, was reached based on studies “conducted by CDC […]
By S.D. Wells
Have you heard of the 6 new EXTREME “religions” spreading like superbug infections across America?
You don’t have to join some insane cult nowadays to sacrifice your mind, health and basic human rights. All you have to do is join one of the new 6 religions taking foothold in America, where the fake news media, toxic food and noxious medicine has millions of “sheeple” believing in causes that, when fulfilled, […]
By Vicki Batts
Dr. Suzanne Humphries reveals the stunning fraud of the CDC and vaccine propagandists
In a new interview with Mike Adams on CounterThink, Dr. Suzanne Humphries tells-all, revealing the corrupt vaccine industry’s dirtiest secrets and more. Humphries, a medical doctor and author of Dissolving Illusions: Diseases, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, was a highly regarded nephrologist — before she switched gears and set out to expose vaccines (and the CDC) for the […]
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