By Willow Tohi
The war on gender biology: A globalist effort to divide and depopulate
Globalist Agenda Targets Traditional Foundations: The globalist movement seeks to undermine family, religious freedom, and biological truths, with a focus on redefining gender to divide populations and advance societal control. U.N. Proposal Threatens Free Speech and Biological Reality: A proposed U.N. treaty aims to criminalize dissent against gender ideology, labeling those who uphold biological truths […]
By S.D. Wells
Department of Education was WEAPONIZED under Biden to attack, fine and bankrupt religious schools across America
Not only does the Biden Regime despise all things religious, but they have gone to the extreme of trying to bankrupt and shut down faith-based schools across the nation, using the Department of Education as a financial weapon to fine these education hubs for hundreds of thousands of dollars each, in many instances. According to […]
By Lance D Johnson
UN Climate Change Censorship Regime seeks to convert journalists into propagandists and take control over the internet
During the latest United Nation’s G20 Summit, world leaders came together to form a new Climate Change Censorship Regime aimed at ramming climate change propaganda down everyone’s throats 24/7, while using their own tax dollars against them. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-General Audrey Azoulay blatantly said that climate change “disinformation” is “running rampant” […]
By Cassie B.
Insane liberal women are teaching one another how to poison men who voted for Trump
Last week, there was a lot of footage circulating on social media of unhinged women crying hysterically over Trump winning the election and their insistence that they suddenly lost “rights.” Now, that sadness has been channeled into violent anger and full-fledged insanity as they show one another how they can poison the “bad” men in […]
By News Editors
All states are empires of lies
“Most economists are political apologists masquerading as economists,” wrote Doug Casey in one of his columns. “They prescribe the way they would like the world to work and tailor theories to help politicians demonstrate the virtue and necessity of their quest for power.” (Article by Thomas J. DiLorenzo republished from Mises.org) Moreover, wrote Casey, “The field […]
By Cassie B.
Unhinged liberal women cry on social media over Trump’s victory and claim they’ve lost all their rights
Liberals have been working hard to portray Trump as a misogynist, and it worked on a lot of women – with some of them buying into the false narrative that he will work against women so wholeheartedly that they are now having very public meltdowns over his victory. Revolver put together some of the more […]
By Ethan Huff
Forbes wants Americans to pay $10 a gallon for gas to stop imaginary “global warming”
The planet is warming at too fast a rate for Forbes writer Nils Rokke who wrote an article for the rag that calls for gas prices across America to double in order to stop climate change. Whatever Rokke is fearful about constitutes “a present-day emergency” in his mind, which means that “we must use every […]
By S.D. Wells
Perverted Leftists want to “pre-bunk” children from “conspiracy theories” while they brainwash them into gender-bender surgery and cancer-inducing hormone drugs
There is nothing more insidious than adults who prey on children and try to influence them to think and act in perverted ways that often lead to sexual abuse, torture and death. There are many hidden agendas that are integral to the whole “misinformation” and “disinformation” campaigns the U.S. government, Big Tech and Big Pharma […]
By Ethan Huff
American Psychological Association tells children that asking questions is a form of “disinformation”
New children’s literature from the American Psychological Association (APA) aims to brainwash kids into believing that the simple, innocent act of merely asking a question constitutes intolerable “disinformation” – so stop asking questions, says the APA. Entitled “True or False? The Science of Perception, Misinformation, and Disinformation,” the APA children’s book exists to “pre-bunk” the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Facebook provided secret online tools and trained CDC employees how to censor the American public
The American First Legal team is currently litigating against Facebook and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for violating the First Amendment and censoring Americans on important topics that drastically affect their lives. The litigation has just exposed onboarding documents that Facebook (Meta) employees used to train CDC employees on how to censor the American […]
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