News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Former UFC Owner Dana White proves media narrative about Covid treatments is an absolute LIE… you can beat Covid with natural remedies and ivermectin
Dana White Jr. is the President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the fastest growing sports enterprise on the planet and the biggest mixed martial arts organization in the world, now a multibillion-dollar league of its own. White himself is worth half-a-billion dollars, and now he’s gone and done the “unthinkable.” He cured COVID-19 in […]
By S.D. Wells
Americans get 90 DAYS IN JAIL for simply keeping their businesses OPEN during the scamdemic, while Walmart, McDonald’s, Amazon rake in a fortune
A judge in Minnesota just sentenced a woman to 90 days in jail for “violating” the governor’s COVID-19 indoor service ban during the scamdemic. Thou shall not make money during the China Flu crisis unless you are a high-ranking member of a huge corporation (at the top of the food chain). Though quarantines, lockdowns and […]
By S.D. Wells
Always use DuckDuckGo as your search engine for health and safety topics, never Google, and here’s why
Most Americans are very frustrated with the medical establishment right now, whether they are vaccinated for Covid or not. The advice about masks seems contradictory every other week, and the news of perpetual Covid boosters forever is overwhelming. People want answers to tough questions, and they’re looking, but where? Where are they looking, is the […]
By S.D. Wells
Corporate media went crazy over Kyle Rittenhouse “crossing state lines,” feigning outrage over conservative Americans being mobile
It’s not illegal in America to travel from state to state, yet. You might think so if you watch or read fake news, though. The corporate smear is on to ruin Kyle Rittenhouse and his fast-growing martyred reputation for standing up for the Constitution and defending himself “proper.” Watch out, “He crossed state lines,” the […]
By S.D. Wells
GUN CONTROL FAIL: Super-leftist fake news goons MSNBC banned from courtroom of Kyle Rittenhouse trial for suspected involvement in jury intimidation attempt
The Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial is another precedent-setting trial where justice needs a victory so Americans can continue to defend themselves legally against crazed Leftists and their gun confiscation agenda. Allegedly, a producer from NBC’s MSNBC followed the Rittenhouse jury bus to either snap photos of them or intimidate them along the way, but when […]
By S.D. Wells
CAUGHT: Boston Bombing
Content outdated and removed. #OutdatedRemoved
By S.D. Wells
Take a walk down “sellout” lane and find out which “Conservative” think tanks and magazines sold their souls (for cash) to the devil (Google)
Remember when the POTUS election was finally “officially” stolen by Biden and Fox News and Breitbart didn’t utter a single word about fake mail-in ballots or rigged Dominion voting machines? So-called conservative think tanks, websites and magazines just bowed out and happily sank with the “Titanic” (all hope of maintaining our Republic). Well it turns […]
By S.D. Wells
APOLOGIES DUE: Now that mainstream media admits Covid vaccines are failing, where are all the apologies and retractions for false claims?
When guilty criminals confess to their crimes, they are then tried in court for those crimes and, if indeed found guilty, pay fines and/or serve jail or prison time. Whether a criminal is guilty of armed robbery, aggravated rape, arson, dealing experimental drugs or murder, the prison time can get lengthy, depending on how many […]
By S.D. Wells
American shill journalists GUILTY of conspiring with the Chinese Communist Party to push CCP propaganda
Treason is defined in the Constitution as levying war against the US or ‘adhering’ to its enemies. More than a dozen US journalists, from nearly every mass media (fake news) outlet, including CNN, NYT, MSNBC, WaPo, and more, have been caught red-handed in a pay-for-play agreement with the Communist Chinese Party. The journalists all agreed […]
By S.D. Wells
Fake news THOUGHT POLICE trying to ban and censor everyone who is opposed to a Communist Amerika
Fake news is getting worse by the day, as we see that only the Left can be “offended” and “bullied,” while all people and entities to the Right, even slightly, are now labeled as the “Extreme Right,” “Fascists,” and “Domestic Terrorists.” Anyone opposed to toxic food (GMOs), dirty vaccines (all of them), and Americanized Communism […]
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