News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 12 REPLACEMENTS the fascist Democrats aim to accomplish to overthrow the America we once knew
Nearly all Americans who voted and will vote for more Democrats to run this country have no clue what is happening to our country right now, nor do they understand that the entire party is run by communists under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. The whole “anti-fascist” movement has been propagated by fascists […]
By S.D. Wells
Luciferian leftists are teaching AI systems to push antichrist propaganda
Most Americans are oblivious to the fact that the Democrats in Washington DC, Big Tech, Hollywood, and Disney are using every means at their disposal to destroy people’s values, ethics, morals, and the nuclear family in general. As of late, artificial intelligence (AI) is being utilized as a weapon to achieve this insidious agenda. The […]
By S.D. Wells
WaPo’s Cry-Bully Taylor Lorenz BANNED from Twitter – Now suffering “PTSD” – Post-Twitter Social-media Drama
Washington Post presstitute and social media “PTSD” sufferer Taylor Lorenz has been banned from Twitter by its new owner and free-speech platform promoter Elon Musk. Far-Left cry-bully “Tay Tay” is plastering tear-filled video rants across all other social media platforms, swearing that she’s done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be put on restriction by […]
By S.D. Wells
BIG TECH TITANTIC SINKING: Will Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg go to PRISON for lying to Congress?
How often is it that a billionaire serves hard time in prison for committing crimes? The two social media “tech kings” are in hot water right now for illegally suppressing and censoring conservative voices, influencing elections in favor of Democrats, and violating free speech rights for millions of Americans. Currently, Marc Zuckerberg’s net worth is […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 ways the USA is already under TYRANNICAL RULE like Communist China
Most Americans would call it a conspiracy theory if you told them that most of their “freedoms” and constitutional rights barely exist anymore, just because those freedoms have yet to be removed from them personally, or so they think. Was your vote really counted in the most recent elections? Is your home or land yours […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways the so-called “experts” of the scamdemic used misdirection to DEFLECT from the FAILURE of the mandates
The US government and the CDC intended, by hook or by crook, to perpetuate the useless and harmful pandemic mandates as long as they could, but now, every single one of them has been backpedaled, retracted, and debunked, even scientifically. By any possible means the medical industrial complex perpetuated fake science to keep the sheeple in the […]
By S.D. Wells
PREBUNKING means mass media and social media will now send out fake news to pre-empt truth news from debunking their lies
Mass media now claims that “debunks” don’t reach as many folks as misinformation does, but if mass media controls 90 percent of all information disseminated, how can that be true? Debunks, as they are now calling them, are a means of preventing misinformation from spreading at all, before it even becomes “news,” but mainstream media […]
By S.D. Wells
Whistleblower Edward Snowden shares 40-year-old interview where the CIA created FAKE NEWS and DISINFORMATION to con Congress and the American public
Remember Snowden? He’s the man who revealed that the US government says it’s not a crime to spy on the American people, only a crime to expose that illegal and unconstitutional spying. Well, forty years ago, fake news and disinformation coming from the US government was revealed by one of the greatest whistleblowers of all […]
By S.D. Wells
Top media and entertainment stars who push back against Leftist-dominated Hollywood narratives, censorship
There is nothing Hollywood and mainstream media hate worse than celebrities and stars who speak the truth about massively important topics like censorship, elections, vaccines, and our constitutional liberties. For decades, Hollywood, Disney, and most celebrities toe the line when it comes to corrupt narratives that are fed to Americans through movies, shows, magazines, newspapers, […]
By S.D. Wells
END OF FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA: Posting your opinion or hypothesis about any major event can end up costing you hundreds of millions of dollars in punishment
Did you ever guess or suspect that there were “other causes” for the twin towers to collapse on September 11, 2001, other than jet fuel? Millions of Americans, including dozens of architects and engineers, suspected that both towers, just like Building 7, were destroyed by demolition, not just simply fire. Was it illegal for them […]
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