News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Snopes, the ultimate FAKE “fact” checker
By now, you’ve hopefully realized that nearly all mainstream news that has to do with safety, health and human rights is fake and sourced by even more fake news. It’s a circle of deception that leads to nowhere, except making all the wrong choices about the important aspects of life. Why is it set up […]
By S.D. Wells
PBS and NPR – The ultimate FAKE NEWS duo of all time
Orange man bad! For 50 million sheeple who voted for Hitlery Clinton in 2016, any news that points a blaming finger at “orange man” POTUS is real, and any news that’s good about Trump is fake. Nothing is sourced, and nothing is up for discussion (Think sham impeachment proceedings here). It’s all fake. It’s called mainstream […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 HYPOCRITICAL stances present in U.S. culture today
Everybody has a voice and everybody would love to be “heard,” but too many Americans have become dogmatic with their stances on certain topics, while being total hypocrites at the same time. You can’t be all in for human rights while you wish someone would assassinate that man you loathe who occupies the oval office. […]
By S.D. Wells
Wikipedia is run just like treasonous coward Adam Schiff’s secret impeachment proceedings: Anonymous sources, zero transparency and no due process
If you happen to look up something on Wikipedia that has to do with tree frogs, an athlete, or some famous actor, you’ll probably get just straight facts, and there will be plenty of objectively stated details. But if you try to look up something about vaccines, GMOs, pharmaceuticals, organic food or natural medicine, you […]
By S.D. Wells
“Hate Speech” on ALL social media means telling the truth about the “dirty pool” of vaccines, GMOs and chemotherapy
Almost overnight “hate speech” was invented by the globalists and Big Tech as a means to silence any critics of the fake news “official narrative” on politics, mass shootings, disease-causing foods and harmful allopathic medicine. Most people would assume “hate speech” means degrading, personal attacks with abusive language, not journalists and reporters and doctors and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 TRUTH topics you never hear or see on lame-stream “MSM” media
Since CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are all funded and controlled by Big Pharma and Big Food, they are forbidden from publishing and broadcasting the truth about several massively important topics. The same goes for most major newspapers in this country, and most of the popular websites. What’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Formula for INSANITY: Believe in hate crime hoaxes, take prescription medications, eat GMOs, drink tap water, get your flu shot, watch CNN, and read the NYT and WashPo
Isn’t it quite ironic that there is not one single photo or video clip of President Donald J. Trump being a racist, when 50 million Americans have been brainwashed by the media to believe that he is one? In fact, before he ran for POTUS, there was never any mention of it ever, because he’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Attack of the FAKE NEWS on your mind, your health and your safety
Fake news is scripted, staged, planned, promoted, and never retracted after being revealed as such. Fake news appears in many forms, including on television, via social media, featured on major websites, and it’s spewed from the mouths of most of the outspoken celebrities and talk show hosts. Fake news even reports on itself, pretending to […]
By S.D. Wells
According to the Left, Americans are to blame for all disease outbreaks and violence, while all illegal immigrants are absolved of everything, even murder
Democrats are in continued desperation mode to get more voters to cheat the system so they can take back the tyrannical power they had under the former ruthless Dictator Barrack Hussein Obama. In 2019 and 2020, you will witness more planned and staged Antifa violence, more caravans of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding the border, […]
By S.D. Wells
Have you heard of the 6 new EXTREME “religions” spreading like superbug infections across America?
You don’t have to join some insane cult nowadays to sacrifice your mind, health and basic human rights. All you have to do is join one of the new 6 religions taking foothold in America, where the fake news media, toxic food and noxious medicine has millions of “sheeple” believing in causes that, when fulfilled, […]
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