News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
YouTube now “Sharia-compliant,” bans any videos critical of Islamic immigration
YouTube has taken another step in its quest to silence conservative voices on its platform by removing four videos posted by InfoWars that were critical of mass immigration and Islamic terrorism. Rather than hitting the videos with an age restriction, the platform decided to issue a copyright strike, which means that InfoWars will now be […]
By Cassie B.
Google, Facebook domination has RUINED the internet for everyone, warns EPIC report
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) warned in a statement to Congress that today’s internet is simply not sustainable thanks to the unsavory practices of internet bigwigs Facebook and Google. These two tech firms have so much power over the flow of information, they say, that internet users’ privacy is essentially “under assault.” After all, […]
By Cassie B.
Sensationalized science: New study suggests more than a quarter of scientific papers “spin” results
Headlines about health studies often leave people confused and frustrated, with a study claiming that a certain food is bad for you often contradicted by one that says the opposite just days or months later. When you throw the financial interests of various studies’ sponsors into the mix, it’s no surprise that many people take […]
By Cassie B.
Latest face-reading AI will detect your IQ, sexual orientation and political beliefs
At the recent unveiling of their newest iPhone models, Apple bragged about their use of face-reading artificial intelligence (AI). The phones will use the technology in place of fingerprint readers and numeric passcodes to unlock them, and Apple claims the Face ID system is so smart that it can even identify people when they are […]
By Cassie B.
Delusions 101: Academics call for end to categorizing obesity as a “health issue”
As a person’s weight rises, their propensity for many diseases also climbs, and their self-esteem often plummets. Whether their obesity is down to factors beyond their control, such as hormonal imbalances, or they embrace habits that pack on the pounds, the fact remains that they are on the fast track to conditions like diabetes and […]
By Cassie B.
The mainstream media is POISONING America
You can’t turn on the news these days without seeing social unrest rising across the country. Just take a look at what happened in Charlottesville. These conflicts are growing and becoming more dangerous, and it can only get worse from here. The mainstream media is doing its best to poison America, stoking the fires of […]
By Cassie B.
BOMBSHELL review finds FDA using shoddy, junk science to fast-track drug approvals
The FDA is coming under fire after a study has found that they base drug approval decisions on low-quality research. In response to criticism about the amount of time it takes for urgently needed drugs to be approved, the agency developed an “accelerated approval” procedure for drugs that treat serious conditions where few other options […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto scientist admitted colluding with “science” journals to suppress research revealing dangers of glyphosate, GMOs
Monsanto was so concerned about a study that showed the toxic effects of its glyphosate herbicide Roundup that it colluded with a journal to suppress it. In the process, they drew even more attention to the very information they were hoping to marginalize. After all, they wouldn’t have been so desperate to make the study […]
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