News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Epstein cover-up is final nail in the coffin for any last shred of credibility in mainstream media
With ABC News’ Amy Robach now admitting on camera that her fake news network buried the Jeffrey Epstein story to protect the Clintons, we are witnessing the final nail in the coffin for any last shred of credibility in mainstream media. The media long ago abandoned any remaining pillar of journalism in their effort to […]
By Mike Adams
Dr. Mercola videos are now on Brighteon.com; Mercola unleashes damning video exposing Google’s racketeering and anti-trust FRAUD against health publishers
Three years ago, I sounded the alarm over Google censorship, warning the natural health community that Google was sidling up with Big Pharma and would begin de-listing all natural health search results, effectively blacklisting most natural health content. The response from the natural health community was largely silence. In private conversations, many natural health publishers […]
By Mike Adams
Trump must go on the offensive against Big Tech: SEIZE the domains of Google, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to force end to censorship
I was speaking with former ambassador and U.S. presidential candidate Alan Keyes yesterday, and he made the crucial point that since government is an extension of the People, politically-motivated censorship of the Peoples’ ability to engage in speech is, in fact, a form of treason against America. By selectively censoring conservatives and Trump supporters, tech […]
By Mike Adams
Democrats’ real wish list for America: More mass shootings, catastrophic hurricanes and an economic crash… all to blame their political opponents
With Democrats jumping up and down on the graves of mass shooting victims (yet again) to demand a government monopoly on firepower, it’s now abundantly obvious that Democrats want more gun violence in America because it gives them the ammo they need to demand the annihilation of their political opponents. Not only that, they also […]
By Mike Adams
Toxic, treasonous media pushing “white supremacist” hoax and hit lists of Trump supporters in desperate scheme to drive America into civil war
It’s now obvious the malicious, toxic media is pushing a “white supremacist” hoax in a desperate scheme to drive America into a civil war. The entire left-wing media has now become nothing more than a hate machine that’s spreading its “daily hate” to radicalize left-wing Americans into an unprecedented level of hatred, insanity and violence. […]
By Mike Adams
The window of “allowable speech” is collapsing, and the Dark Age of internet censorship has arrived
Watch this powerful, 4-minute warning video below, and you will be absolutely shocked to learn how rapidly the window of “allowable speech” is collapsing. The evil, authoritarian tech giants are obliterating any remaining shred of free speech, a universal human right. At first, they targeted Trump supporters and conservatives. Then the censorship targeted Christians and […]
By Mike Adams
#WeDoNotConsent – All elections are illegitimate until free speech is restored in America (and national voter ID is implemented)
It should be an obvious point: Given the determined, coordinated censorship of conservative and libertarian speech by the evil tech giants, no future election that takes place under coordinate censorship is legitimate if it produces a Democrat victor. Democracy depends on the ability of citizens to engage in open, public debate about issues, candidates and […]
By Mike Adams
Google is Darth Vader: New meme released – share everywhere
With Google doubling down on its criminal enterprise of election meddling and politically motivated censorship, the world is becoming increasingly aware of how unfair and evil Google has become. A new meme has emerged that perfectly captures Google’s “philosophy” of brainwashing the public by rigging search results and search suggestions to annihilate independent journalism and […]
By Mike Adams
Vimeo bans Project Veritas, Natural News on the same day as criminal tech giants collude to silence independent journalism
The video platform Vimeo has banned Project Veritas and Natural News on the same day, taking part in the criminal collusion among tech giants who are systematically silencing independent journalism that keeps exposing the criminality of the tech giants themselves. Two days ago, Project Veritas released a bombshell video showing a Google executive named Gen […]
By Mike Adams
Google executives must be brought to justice for their crimes and conspiracies: Election meddling, knowledge suppression and fraud
Thanks to the bombshell investigations of Project Veritas, we now have further confirmation that Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in election meddling, knowledge suppression and political coups. Just hours after this video went public (see below), not only did Google censor the video on YouTube (yes, Google censors videos exposing Google censorship), now […]
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