02/11/2019 / By News Editors
Today’s Campaign Update
(Because The Campaign Never Ends)
(Article by David Blackmon republished from DBDailyUpdate.com)
This was a really important week, and it is crucial that we all understand why. This was the week when the mask of socialist fascism came completely off the ugly face of the national Democrat Party, and there is no going back, hard though they will try.
Simply put, all the Democrats had to do over the next two years to have a real shot a regaining all levers of power in our nation’s capital was not be batsh*t crazy, and they couldn’t do it. They can’t help themselves. This is, after all, their true nature, and has been for almost a full century now, when communist loyalists began making real inroads into their ranks, our media and our educational system.
Prior generations of the party’s politicians were able to hide their real desires to turn our nation into just another failed socialist/fascist third world country behind an ever-evolving series of false talking points. But that has all been ripped away thanks to the all-consuming hatred of President Donald Trump (I never tire of typing those three glorious words) harbored by the latest collection misanthropes, racists, women-abusers, ageing Bolshevik grumps, fake Indians and mindless children who now represent the party in congress and Virginia’s state government.
It wasn’t just this week – the batsh*t craziness has been accelerating for a long time now. Anyone paying real attention recognized the Democrats’ lurch to full-fledged fascist thuggery with their creation and full endorsement of the Antifa movement in response to the 2016 election. That move was Adolph Hitler 101 for anyone who’s ever read a book about 1930s Germany. But still the party’s leadership and fake news media agents maintained the fiction that the old Bolshevik Bernie Sanders was some sort of outlier among its ranks, just an old grump – who’s really an “independent” after all – who just got lucky and caught a flukish wave of young voters in his challenge to the Pantsuit Princess in 2016.
But then came the catalyst – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, a cute, 29 year-old unabashed socialist/fascist with a bright smile, a never-quiet mouth, and a middle-school backpack filled with half-baked socialist “ideas” lucked into a win in a Bronx congressional district and became an instant media star. This hopelessly ignorant but social-media-savvy cretin has increasingly become the “thought leader” – to the extent she can be credited with actually having “thoughts” – of the Democrat Party, and that has led to a growing competition among those who aspire to be the Democrat 2020 presidential nominee and other party leaders to see who can be the most leftist and thuggish among them.
Over the last two weeks we have had multiple Democrat presidential hopefuls endorse a 70% income tax rate, one endorse an even more punitive 90% rate, and another throw out the coup de gras, a clearly unconstitutional tax levied not on incomes, but on assets. To top it all off, another aspirant to the party’s nomination – Irish Bob O’Rourke – went so far as to publicly question the continued validity of the entire Constitution itself, a thought pretty much all Democrats have harbored in their minds but only expressed in hushed voices when among friends.
So the Party’s mask was already slipping, its elastic headband fraying at the edges from the constant strain of having to hold back its members’ true intentions for all these decades, when Ocasio Cortez dropped the figurative socialist/fascist Mother Of All Bombs into the public domain this past Wednesday night: Her “Green New Deal.” Oh, my. The mask didn’t just fall to the floor, it disintegrated like Humpty Dumpty, never to be put back together again.
Within hours of rolling her GND outline onto her congressional website, Ocasio Cortez’s paper version of the Bolshevik Revolution had attracted the endorsements of no fewer than 70 Democrat members of congress and almost all of the currently-announced presidential candidates. 43-year veteran of congress Ed Markey of Massachusetts went in whole-hog, announcing himself as a co-sponsor of this fake green Communist Manifesto.
Read more at: DBDailyUpdate.com
Tagged Under: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Collapse, communism, Congress, democrat, democrats, elections, government, intolerance, left cult, politics, presidential campaign, racism, Trump